Channel: Ohsofickle
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'I don't feel proud to be a Singaporean'


Just read the article and watched the video of K-pop Star Hunt 3 finalist, Stephanie Koh going 'I don't feel proud to be a Singaporean'.

Explaining whether she was bothered that her behaviour on the show may portray Singaporeans in a bad light, Stephanie said she "would not be bothered about representing this country because, to be honest, I don't really feel proud to be Singaporean'.

She went on to explain that her feelings were brought about by people in Singapore being 'small-minded'.

"Everyone here is submissive; everyone here don’t know how to think out of the box," she said.

"No one here is creative. Everyone here just thinks the same way and follow the same rules. It's too rigid for my taste."

When asked if she identified herself as a Singaporean, she replied that she saw herself as 'one of a kind'.

She's really "one of a kind" and i applaud her for being so daring to say all of that in an interview to Razor TV.

I completely disagree with her saying NO ONE HER IS CREATIVE because she doesn't know EVERYONE and she sure hasn't seen some of the works some Singaporeans produce. There's so much to be proud of being Singaporean but i also do understand not everyone loves Singapore which explains why some people choose to migrate overseas. OK that's not the main thing i want to say.

I watched a part of the video where she said she was pissed because when she went to Korea, she was made to sing Korean songs.


It's like....

I order a plate of chicken rice, and i don't expect the chicken to be on the plate.


I thought that part was damn funny.

That's all i have to say hahaha bye!


Wearing Floral Babydoll Dress from http://www.shoppmt.com/


Featuring two exclusively manufactured designs this launch - Reverie Lace Insert Fishtail Dress & Happy Days Crossback Romper!
Perfect for CNY visitings & girly outings/dates! :)

Other fresh new arrivals in store!!!

You can also find Pearlmilkteea stocked at:

Far East Plaza (#01-33/34)
JEM (#04-07)
Bugis Junction (#03-12A)

All racks are topped up weekly with new arrivals for those who wish to try on their apparels!

P.S: Quote "PMTXTAMMYFNP" for free normal postage!


Here's me in the Exclusively manufactured Earhart Laced Dress in maroon! It's also available in navy and beige!

This season, Ellysage has launched their very first manufactured series! These dresses have been flying off the shelves at their retail locations!

Other than manufacturing these pretty dresses for you this CNY, Ellysage prides itself in having daily new arrivals to add to the variety of clothes available on their site!
There are tons of other dresses on their site, I'm sure you'll be able to find the perfect one for you!

This CNY, Ellysage is providing free self collection at Far East Plaza and JEM!
Parcels will be dropped off every 2 days to ensure that you'll definitely receive your items before CNY!
Don't miss out on this great opportunity and shop at www.ellysage.com!!!

You can also head down to the following retail locations to try out their clothes!

KissJane, Bugis Junction #03-13A
KissJane, Century Square #01-03
Blogshopping, JEM #04-07
Space Invasion, The Cathay #03-15/16
Blogshop Empire, Far East Plaza #01-102 & #01-61

Follow them on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop on their new arrivals! Tag your photos with #ellysage so all of us can enjoy it too!


Jolly Bee

Jolly Bee - Best Ice Jelly in Town

Omg....this is like the best dessert drink EVER. It's honey lime flavored. Have it on its own or add ice if you find it too sweet.

I used to buy this every time i'm at this particular bak kut teh place in Malaysia and I LOOOOVE IT. 

I didn't know where to get it in Singapore till one day, a friend's friend approached me to help me spread the word that she's the distributor.

Since CNY is coming, i decided to put up this ad for her! Out of goodwill! It's like the best drink to serve kids, it's healthy and yummy. When i received the box of it, i had one everyday till i had no more left....that's like 12 days straight and I WAS NOT SICK OF IT ONE BIT. :X I swear it's that yummy!

If you have never tried it before, GO ORDER A BOX TO TRY! Then....thank me later for recommending if you love it as much as i do. Pray you don't get as addicted as i am hahaha.

Price is $30 for 24....It's around $1+ if you get a box of 24! Really cheap and good!!!

If you are keen to order you can contact Valerie at +65 93825076!



Do you like saving money?
Do you want to get the best deals all the time?
Does the word SALE get you excited?

Here's an app i think will make you happy if you answered Yes to all 3 questions above!

What is SGMalls?
Your one stop shopping buddy for an aggregated shopping mall information and daily sales updated on the fly. Get updated on the latest shopping promotions happening in Singapore shopping malls.

How does SGMalls work and what can you do on it?

Firstly, download the "SGMalls" App on your phone

When you go in, you can see about 500 daily comprehensive shopping promotions

Follow brands you like and be alerted with shopping promotions! This is great because you won't get alerts from brands you will never buy from. No spam and just see sales that you like. Just select your favourite brands and the rest will be all set!

Don't want to miss on a good deal from your favorite brand?
Save deals that interest you and be reminded before it expires!

All the store's information and directions are a click away from your fingers too! Indoor postitioning is available on Android which makes SGMalls even cooler. That means there won’t be any chance of getting lost anymore. Thumbs up!

Here's something really awesome. Say, you are in Tiong Bahru and you want to check out the best deals in town, you can use this app to do so by seeing what's Nearby or check out other malls before even visiting them, so you can start shopping already on your way!

The SGMalls app is app-solutely FREE! 

Try it now!

Try it now and stand a chance to win CNY Hong Bao (look for the Hong Bao deal inside the app)!

Didn’t know McDonald’s sells wrap now! Saved this deal and I’m so gonna try them tomorrow :D

Don’t keep it to yourself yeah people! Good things are meant to be shared. You can easily share the good deals with your friends conveniently.

Heard that there’s this other interesting app coming up, called Wear & Where! It helps to make shopping a whole lot easier. Instead of alerting you the updates from the brands you follow, they help to filter items you are looking for based on your criteria. Featuring top fashion brands like Zara, Topshop, Burberry, H&M and etc. Go check it out on Google Play xx!


Here are the list of blog shops i have advertised for this month!

Decided to list all of 'em out here so you don't have to scroll all the way down. Shopping would be easier for you girls!

11. www.ohsofickle.com.sg (not forgetting, my own store!)

p.s i apologize that this month has been filled with a lot of ads as during this period, tons of blog shops want to feature their CNY collection.

p.s i haven't really been going out as i too have been busy with SHOPOHSOFICKLE stuff as well! can't wait for this busy work period to be over....really looking forward to celebrating CNY.

Different Type of Friends

Being someone who goes out a lot for events, i get to meet a lot of people and make a lot of new friends. Not everyone gets a long with everyone so there are some wonderful friendships which i know will last a lifetime, and then there are some which i wish i didn't have. Some take years to fade away; others end spectacularly.

Here's a list of the different kind of friends i have...


The friend you can tell EVERYTHING to. She listens but never judges. She tells it to you straight. They are friends who know you inside out. Friends who know the ugliest things about you. Seen you at your best and your worst.


She's just like a sister from another mother. Sometimes she does things which pisses you off but you can't get that angry with her and you love her no matter what. You want to look after her and teach her stuff. You are extremely patient around her.


The friend of the opposite you are so close to but will never be in a relationship with. You can hold hands with the person when you're out with them, he even carries your shopping bags for you. However, you will never think of being in a relationship with that person. Everyone thinks you guys make a great couple but you know it will never happen. 


People you meet in kindergarten, your playground or within your family friends. Most of the time around the same age as you. You don't always meet him/her but when you do, you always talk about the past which is a really nice feeling because it tends to stir fond feelings and cherished memories.


The person who makes you to get your lazy ass up and moving! The one always looks so fresh and energetic, accompanied with a great body. The one who motivates you to get fit. You just feel bad eating junk food and being lazy around them.


The friend you will only be seen with in clubs and never in daylight. Most of the time you only meet him/her outside the club. It usually starts with an excited "OMG BABE! HELLO! LET'S GO DRINK!" *TIGHT HUG*. He/She is usually crazy and fun and you love his/her company a lot. Whenever you go to parties, you just look forward to meeting that person. You can spend hours with that person together holding each other and hugging each other but when day time comes, you guys lead life separately and you realize you hardly know a thing about him/her.


The friend who is much older and speaks like your dad/mom. The person who mentors you with wit and wisdom. Most of the time it happens to be your teacher. The person whom you usually listen to and not want to argue with because he/she is older and wiser.


The friendly person you interact with very often on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook. You think you know a lot about the person's character and personality just by looking at their posts. You have never met them before in real life but you feel close to them in some way because of how similar you guys think.


Someone you are very proud of being seen talking to. Usually a successful business person or a celebrity or simply a very highly talented person. They become the life of every party, and intentionally or unintentionally hog all the limelight. Someone everyone usually want favors from. Usually a rich and very generous person.


When you are around them, you just get your "bitch mode" on. Conversations usually begin like this "did you hear about xxxx...?!". That person seems to know something about everyone, Who's dating who, who cheated on who etc. Be very careful and never trust them with your own personal secrets, they might be people who will soon be bartering your deepest secrets for someone else’s.


You don't always see them but when you know they are always just a phone call away because you are very important to them. You both lead really different lives and don't usually see each other but the distance doesn't make you guys drift apart. Every time you guys meet, it never feels weird. You would have endless things to catch up on and you guys always have a great time together. 


The go-to person to get discounts for things. They usually work at brands you like and give you great discounts. And they happen know a lot of people who can give discounts. You always visit them at the shops they work at to chit-chat with them. 


The friend you wish you never had. Usually very rude and loud. It is embarrassing being seen with them as they speak really loudly and have very bad manners. They are insensitive to people's feelings and can hurt people's feelings without realizing it. Like eg. if someone fat walks pass, they'd point and laugh and make fun of them. You kinda feel scared to tell them it's wrong to do something because you are afraid they'd raise their voice at you. You want drop them but sometimes it's difficult when they are friends with your other friend. You try to avoid them but they always come up to you and stand next to you.


The friend who comes to you only when he/she needs something. Although he/she only comes to you when he/she needs something, you are still glad to help them because you can.


They are always saying "Yes!" to everything and whenever you are down, being around this person makes everything better because he/she is always all smiles. This person just oozes out positive energy and it is a joy being around them. 


She has everything. She's everything you wished you were. But you like being around her despite it all. You're jealous but you don't hate her for all that she has.

What other friends do you have? 
Share it with me in the comment box below!


Everytime i'm at a fruit stall, i hardly buy watermelon.


Cus they usually cut it like that (that is if i don't have the time to wait for the auntie to cut it into smaller pieces)

Sometimes i really want to eat it but when i think about this mess, i choose not to buy it. Lol.

Ok see this image below...

White part is the bites i can have successfully without making a mess.

Then by the 4th bite...

I will have watermelon juice all over the side of my face.

I don't know if it's just me or what but i can never eat a watermelon neatly. There'll just be a lot of juice all over my mouth and face. Real mess. Haha.

So yeah, i never order watermelon at fruit stalls despite it being one of my favorite fruits.


Work and Relax

Recently bought a new camera, the Sony NEX-3N! I've heard great things about it from Donna and decided to get it and i'm loving it! Absolutely in love with the image quality.

So recently i mentioned i haven't been out much. However, i've been visiting the boy's other apartment pretty often for swims. And to getaway from noise and people because it's such a quiet place, so nice to sit here at the sofa to do my work. It's like a stay cation....only not at a hotel but the bf's place. He doesn't even come here so this is really a great place to be to get some alone quiet time. Hehe.

This is also i place i do all the domestic chores. Like a cleaning training centre for me. Which i enjoy a lot. Everytime i'm here i see myself wiping all the glass, mirrors and tables followed by dancing with a mop. 

Ok now my cam-whore shots from today....

Haven't been to the gym in awhile so my body is not in the best shape but i've been swimming quite a bit so it's not too bad lah. I never really did swimming as cardio but i tried doing it thrice this week and it's pretty good! Only a 30 min swim and my legs and arms felt jelly.

Trying to do more cardio this week before CNY cus i am prepared to EAT LIKE A PIG. Hahaha. I'm horrible lor...always exercise just so i can eat more. :X 

K that's all for today, bye!



I'm sure you girls have heard of them?
But perhaps you've forgotten what this catchy brand has for you all!

Lastbusride offers a variety range of clothes, to provide the best shopping experience for all customers of different style!

Such as loud, sweet, casual, feminine, younger age crowd and many more!
I'm sure that's definitely something for you girls to grab from this store!

At the same time, they do provide INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING now!!
So now, their clothes are available for everyone all over the world~

They do provide self collection over at Far East Plaza!! So if you can't wait for your item, you can choose that option and grab your item fast!

At the same time! They do have physical racks over at these three places! You can drop by them every week as the items over there are freshly topped up, and there's many exclusive items there too!!

And now, there's something special for my readers too!!


So now what are you waiting for?

Go on and shop with them now!

You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

Nothing in life is constant. There is neither absolute happiness nor absolute sadness. There are only the changes in our moods that continuously oscillate between these two extremes.

At any given moment we are comparing how we currently feel to how we felt at another time – comparing one level of our contentment to another. In this way, those of us who have felt great sadness are best able to feel heightened feelings of happiness after we emotionally heal. In other words, happiness and sadness need each other. One reinforces the other. Humans must know misery to identify times of elation.

The key is to focus on the good. May you live each moment of your life consciously, and realize that all the happiness you seek is present if you are prepared to notice it. If you are willing to appreciate that this moment is far better than it could have been, you will enjoy it more for what it truly is

Read the full article here

Eat & Exercise


Yay to jogging 10km tonight! Not my best timing but it's been 3 months since I did 10km. 

I choose to eat and then exercise so I don't gain weight. I'm the kinda girl who finishes all her rice and sometimes have second servings because my appetite is humongous. I'm eating all the time and my friends are amazed at how much food I can input in my body. At the rate I eat, I should be way fatter but I'm proud to say I'm at a healthy weight and don't have an ugly bulging tummy. 

Occasionally I still face certain weight issues because I stupidly compare myself to models. But that's fine, I'm only human right? 

There's really no secret to why I don't gain that much weight because I love jogging! Everytime after a sinful meal, I try my best to go for a 30min jog. Although it's short, it works. And on days I feel like I ate a cow, I go for longer runs. Sometimes I think, wow at the rate I'm exercising my body should be way nicer but well, I really love food and enjoy eating too much so ill just make do with this body. Haha. I can't wait for the day I cut down my food intake so I can achieve a VS body but for now, let me eat and share good food places with y'all. Today was great as I went to 2 places for really good food so do look forward to my next post!





Celebrate this Lunar New Year with Young Hungry Free!

Tons of new arrivals weekly (+ Special two times a week launch this new year! Every Thursday and Sunday!)



 Check out our Lunar new year look book here, all made and designed by Young Hungry Free.

All new arrivals will be up on Thursday 23rd January at 8pm!

We promise you wouldn't want to miss it!

Check out our items up in store!

Worried about not being able to get your parcels on time?

We have introduced express shipping options, order today and get your items tomorrow!

 Keep in touch with us!




of course,

The Cajun Kings


The boys and i had some fun with food at The Cajun Kings!

It was an interesting experience at The Cajun Kings as we were given no cutleries. Just a hammer.

So we ordered fries, mussels, prawns (TCK Combo) and lobsters! We didn't order the crab but a lot of people around us ordered that so i'll try that next.

For the prawns and mussels, we had it in The King's Mix. You can choose from the 3 different seasonings they have. 

And for the lobster, we ordered it in the Garlic Butter Mix which was really finger licking good!

It was messy but definitely fun! Plus the food is good! Everyone should try dining without cutleries and messing up the table at least once. :)

I rate this place

The Cajun Kings
15-1 Jalan Riang (near Serangoon/Braddell Road)
Singapore 358987
Contact: 6284 4426

Wimbly Lu

When i first heard of the place Wimbly Lu, i'm like, what? Who's that? Hahaha. So anyway, it's a place which serves super good desserts just beside The Cajun Kings.

After a super full meal with the boys at The Cajun Kings (see the post below), we still went for desserts since the queue wasn't THAT long and IT'S RARE. The previous time i went, the queue was mad long and i didn't get to try it.

The best part about my foodie boys is that THEY LOVE TO EAT AS MUCH AS I DO. So it's really a joy dining with them. Plus i don't feel so bad about my huge appetite. It's like I BLEND IN SO WELL. Haha.


So we ordered quite a bit...and finished it all because THE CAKES AND WAFFLES ARE SOOOOO GOOD.

Root Beer Cake with Ice Cream

The cake really tasted like root beer! It was like having a root beer float.

Nutella Tart

Rocky Mountain - Chocolate with Marshmallow

I didn't really like this although it tasted good because as the name suggests, it's really a rock haha.

Hazelnut Butterscotch Bar
Tasted super good cus of the butterscotch but i wish it came in a cake form, softer and easier to share cus this was pretty hard.

Waffles are crispy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside. PERF!!!!

I've heard about their Molten Lava Cake and i must try that the next time! :)

One of the best dessert place i've been to in SG. Plus the place is so pretty.

Wimbly Lu
15 Jalan Riang, Singapore 358987
+65 6289 1489

Hello February

I can't believe how quick January flew by. I can't even believe it's 2014 already. 

This year's CNY i saw myself catching up on sleep and just being a total bum. Ain't complaining because i'm loving it!

Here are some pictures from my camera! Didn't take much pictures cus i'm getting chubby....and my complexion is worsening by the day cus of all the junk i've been consuming. Haha.

 A few days back we got invited to the Gala for THE LION MEN. I loved the show! Am super impressed and proud of it cus it's a Singaporean film. Plus i found a new eye candy - the girl who's the main lead. Hehe. Go catch it if you haven't!

Shoes from P.V.S (Cineleisure #02-05) - Mention Ohsofickle/Tammy for 5% off! Won't reveal where i got the top from but i'm doing a similar piece for OSF so look out for it if you like the top! :)

I hope you all had an awesome weekend break because i did!!!

This post is totally random but i just wanted to update this space.

New banners at the side, do check 'em out!

Today i made the biggest decision of my life but i'll wait until everything is good before i share the news. It's scary but exciting.....

New In


Believe Happiness is a Choice

For me, this was a hard one at first. I thought that people were either unhappy or happy (and I was one of the unhappy ones). I used to blame this on all kinds of outside forces –- fate, experiences, parents, relationships –- but never really stopped to think that I could choose to be happy.

Sure, this isn’t always easy, but it is always, always an option. Teaching myself to see that happiness is a choice has been one of the greatest things I’ve ever done for myself.

Now when I find myself in a bad situation, I know that it’s up to me to find the good, to be happy regardless of what’s happening around me. I am no longer pointing fingers, placing blame. I realize that everything happens how it happens and it’s up to me to choose how I want to feel about it. I am in control of my happiness level and no one can take that away from me.

Credits: x

Valentines Day

The holiday of love when sweeties across the country celebrate with crimson roses, chocolate hearts, cuddly stuffed animals and candlelit dinners for two.

I've always been a girl who looks forward to Valentines Day because since i was in Secondary School, it has been a day i receive awesome presents! Even though i was not that chio, I was lucky to be a girl in school who had boys going after me so it kinda felt like a "second birthday". It has always been a day i'd expect something to be given to me.

However, V'day is in 2 days time and unlike the past few years, i'm not in the mood for it. I don't care if my boyfriend gives me roses or not....i really really don't. Usually i'd be all like "omg i'm so excited i wonder what he has planned for me!!!". My whole mindset towards this day changed so much. Honestly, to me Valentine’s Day is all about women and the burden lies on the men to make it special - Men won't necessarily see the lovey-dovey gestures returned. It's a time most girls get to "show off" to their friends how "awesome" and "sweet" their boyfriends are. I don't know why but this year, i'm totally cool if my boyfriend doesn't do anything. I'd usually expect a surprise or something but i think my boyfriend has given me quite a bit the whole time we've been together that i really don't expect anything. That's actually a new feeling to feel with my boyfriend.....to feel like i've received so much that i don't want anymore? Haha.

I see people treat one another like absolute crap 364 days of the year, but on February 14th, they’re nice to one another – and that somehow magically means that they are in love. That’s not love. Love is being nice to one another every day. Show your loved ones respect, give them the gift of communication, and don’t think that you have to slap down $100 for a bouquet of roses to say “I love you”.

In fact, i'm considering if i should attend my property class instead of skipping it. The initial plan was to skip the class because it's Valentines Day but then since i really am not particular about having dinner that night and don't mind doing it during the weekend instead i don't think i should skip it anymore. I guess i've grown up and realized there's no need to make a big hoohaa out of Valentines Day? Yay? 

But of course, i'm only a girl, i'd still smile and be happy to receive roses and chocolates lah...Not saying i hate it or anything but instead, i'm just saying i won't feel disappointed and sad if i don't get any because what matters most is my boyfriend treats me well and is nice to me every other day~ Actually, i'd rather receive roses and gifts on a normal day......than on Valentines Day - a day where i already "expect" a gift. Y'know? It's so much sweeter if i came home to a bouquet of roses after a long day at work.

Steal Her Look

Love what she is wearing? Steal Her Look today!

Fashion knows no boundaries. Every girl out there deserves a wide selection of affordable and trendy fashion without breaking their piggy bank. SHL strive and believe in making decisions easier and quicker for you such that you can get dressed up in no time for any special occasion.

Floral Pullovers to Flirty Skirts!

Cutesy tops to Valentine's Day dresses!

Basic Tops to Fuzzy Pullovers!

School chic to Glamour at night!

Edgy style to an angelic look!

Some pieces are coming really soon next week so watch out for them!

Find amazing bargains with the latest fun and forward clothing and be spoilt for choice!

Be able to wear what you want to wear while achieving comfort and style. SHL also aims to bring out the best in you which you can confidently be proud of. You will definitely grow to love and share this little secret with your girlfriends!

Especially for OSF readers!

From now till 31st March 2014,

Key in "OSFSHL5" at shopping cart to enjoy 5% discount off total bill! 
No minimum purchase required :)

Like our Facebook Page and follow us on Instagram to stay updated with our latest collections and promotions! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/shopstealherlook

INSTAGRAM: @stealherlook 

What else could make you happier other than being empowered the ability to STEAL HER LOOK right away!

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